June 23, 2009
Dutchess is the offspring of Perle and Duke. Pearl
a solid black female derived from two solid black parents of TRUE import
WORKING lines. The grandmother, WICCA, is one of the very few direct
Fero daughters which are in the United States. The imported
grandfather, JAROD, is a very large muscular stallion type specimen of
the German Shepherd breed who is a combination of the true hard working
East German DDR lines, PSH Police Service Hund lines with strong FH
tracking excellence lines to create this magnificent animal with
absolutely correct form added to great spirit. He is a spectacular site
to see. Jarod is 111 pounds as verified on the vet's digital scale.
Perle was bred to our sable male Duke.
Duke has stout bone with natural protection drive
stationed upon a robust muscular compact body. . Duke is heavy boned
rich pigmented good driven stocky dog but very calm for family house
dog. Duke is dark brown sable even though you see the pictures he looks
like a very dark black and brown but he has the lighter undercoat that
makes him a sable. Peggy, his mother is a darker brown sable of
European lines with some of the old good strong working lines: Robby v
Glockeneck SchH III, FH, IPO III; Greif Z Pohranicin Straze, CS, ZVV2;
SGR Axel v d Hainsterbach, SchH III; VA Jupp v d Haller Farm, SchH III;
INT. SSGR Boss v Amalienhof SchH III, FH; SGR & WSGR Marko v Cellerland
SchH III, FH, and plenty more. Peggy was bred to our Cello, who is also
a Visum v Arminius grandson on his father's side plus our Cello is line
bred on V1 Cello von der Romerau SchH III, FH, KKL 1a on his mother's
Dutchess was bred to our new stud Quintus Arrius V
Katzenblut (Arry).
Arry is the offspring of Vada and Arrow. Vada is
the offspring of Madchen and Hardy Sch titled German import. Madchen is
a daughter of our robust muscular black and red ZVV titled Czeck
Republic import, Brik, bred to a female from the Kirschental lines; well
known for their sheep herding abilities and athletic performance
enabling them to have longevity in their lines. Madchen is a Brik
daughter which she has a very large tall physique with outstanding
personality, confidence making her the first dog in Lee County to be
accepted by the Lee County School system to assist impaired children as
part of their curriculum and has appeared on television interviews for
her assistance with children.
Arrow who is the offspring of two dogs we imported
from Europe: Ara Von Grafschloss and Cezar Len-Pol which is serving in
Iraq at this time.
This breeding has produced sable and black and tan
colored pups with large boned structures. Great working potential here.
These pups are very socialized and out going.

